Last updated at Wed, 29 Jan 2025 21:17:30 GMT

The two years since the last RSA Conference have been pretty uneventful. Sure, COVID-19 sent us all to work from home for a little while, but it's not as though we've seen any supply-chain-shattering breaches, headline-grabbing ransomware attacks, internet-inferno vulnerabilities, or anything like that. We've mostly just been baking sourdough bread and doing woodworking in between Zoom meetings.

OK, just kidding on basically all of that (although I, for one, have continued to hone my sourdough game). ​

The reality has been quite the opposite. Whether it's because an unprecedented number of crazy things have happened since March 2020 or because pandemic-era uncertainty has made all of our experiences feel a little more heightened, the past 24 months have been a lot. And now that restrictions on gatherings are largely lifted in most places, many of us are feeling like we need a chance to get together and debrief on what we've all been through.

Given that context, what better timing could there have been for RSAC 2022? This past week, a crew of Rapid7 team members gathered in San Francisco to sync up with the greater cybersecurity community and take stock of how we can all stay ahead of attackers and ready for the future in the months to come. We asked four of them — Jeffrey Gardner, Practice Advisor - Detection & Response; Tod Beardsley, Director of Research; Kelly Allen, Social Media Manager; and Erick Galinkin, Principal Artificial Intelligence Researcher — to tell us a little bit about their RSAC 2022 experience. Here's a look at what they had to say — and a glimpse into the excitement and energy of this year's RSA Conference.

What's it been like returning to full-scale in-person events after 2 years?

What was your favorite session or speaker of the week? What made them stand out?

What was your biggest takeaway from the conference? How will it shape the way you think about and practice cybersecurity in the months to come?

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